From: Georg M. Facius

Date: 15-12-2006 16:38:25

To: Marcel Wakim

Cc: Georg Moritz Facius ; Peter Hemmersbach ; Philippe Lamblin ; EAA ; Juan Manuel Alonso ; Marcel Wakim ; Pedro Branco ; Jan Engstrøm

Subject: Permit meetings



Dear Marcel,


I have received the papers concerning the meeting in xxxx, and I can see that, besides what I have received, the organiser has  also received:


1 Chain of Custody Form

 - as I have never received that form before in this connection, I believe that that must be the case also for other EAA representatives,  and I  would suggest that all those with an assignment gets that form also (also as a spare, should anything happen to the other one),  perhaps together with an adequate instruction.


1 Anti-doping Reply Form

- actually the same goes for this, as this is new to everyone, but furthermore I suppose that you will send copies as the filled out forms are returned to you. I wonder why the members of the Anti-doping working group have not received a draft for this form.


This makes me also wonder what will be done in relation to the problem with the partial sample containers.


In the minutes of the meeting in Malaga is stated under 3.2 that my list of items concerning the regulations

1. should be attached to the minutes - which they were not in my case

2. should be forwarded to the IAAF Anti-doping Department - and I wonder what has happened in that connection.


Kind regards,





Georg Facius








Georg Facius

Loevsangervej 10

8300 Odder



Lausanne, 12 February 2007


Dear Georg,

Thank you for your letters and emails expressing your doubts and comments to the

information you have received following your appointment as European Athletics

Delegate at the XXX Games.

The doubts you have for the fulfilment of your tasks as Delegate at the mentioned

meeting will be separately clarified by the Competition Department, in order to

enable you the best possible completion of your assignment.

In what concerns your proposals, which we thank you, we will have them in mind if

appropriate and as far as possible in the preparation of the 2008 European

Athletics Permit Circuit. So far these documents have been the information sent to

the appointed European Athletics Representatives to our Permit Meetings and we

must be satisfied with the overall results from our Delegates reporting.

We would though appreciate in the future that any remarks or suggestions to the

improvement of any of the European Athletics’ Departments functioning is

addressed to no else but our Office and/or the European Athletics President. We

find it inappropriate for this kind of communication, which exclusively related to the

functioning of the European Athletics activities, to be addressed to all the members

of any Committee, Commission or Working Group.

Kind regards,

Christian Milz

European Athletics

Director General

cc: Hansjörg Wirz (European Athletics President)

Jose Luis de Carlos (Competition Committee Chairman)



From: Georg M. Facius

Date: 20-02-2007 14:39:42

To: competition@european-athletics.org

Cc: hjwirz@bluewin.ch ;   jdecarlos@rfea.es ;   celia@european-athletics.org

Subject: Re: Your email/letter RE: EAA Permit Meetings








Dear Christian,


I have received your letter of the 12th inst, and must admit that I am somewhat uncertain about the contents. On one hand your are kind enough to thank me – though perhaps somewhat reluctantly - for my comments and proposals, on the other hand you express your satisfaction with things as they have been hitherto.


As for the latter, my many years as an EAA Delegate, and my eight years in the Competition Committee have given me some knowledge of the quality of the reports of the Representatives, and if you had that knowledge, I am sure you would agree that there is room for improvement, and that it is important to make the otherwise demanding task of the Delegates as uncomplicated as possible, and the instructions and documents as clear and unmistakable as possible.


Some of the problems are probably due to the fact that changes have been made in one document, but not simultaneously, where relevant, in others.


When it comes to your last remarks, I must say that I fail to understand them. You cannot be serious when trying to introduce some kind of censorship, stating that I am not allowed to communicate with the working group of which I am a member, when a considerable part of the material involves doping control questions and problems in relation to the work of the EAA Delegates, and with the two attached e-mails being solely about doping control problems, and already known to the members of the ADWG. They surely could criticize me with every good reason, if I did not do that.


I do wonder also whether the chairman of the Competition Committee consider it irrelevant to get a copy of something that is directly related to the work of the committee.


As for my mail of 15th December 2006, this was send to Marcel at your office, but naturally – and I do hope you agree on that – with copy to the other members of the ADWG. Obviously these topics are closely related to what we have discussed and are dealing with in the ADWG. Unfortunately, I have not received an answer to that mail which includes also my question concerning the items which, according to a decision – supported by Hansjörg - at the meeting in Malaga back in June 2006, should be presented to IAAF for clarification, also especially with regards to the work of the Delegates. I would be grateful to receive your information about this.


As can be seen from the above, from the attached, and from the previous correspondence, there is still some way to go before the regulations concerning doping control etc. are clarified and incorporated fully.


Attached the mail from the Competition Department with my comments in bold and italic. In my humble view I can see no reason why the Delegates and Organisers for 2007 should not receive the corrections and additional information. It can only improve the quality of the work.


I have worked with your predecessors as long back as around 1970, always in mutual respect and mostly in friendship, and my proposals, and the like, have always been received positively, as the contribution they are meant to be (and most of them have been implemented). Hopefully this can continue in the future also.


Best regards,

Georg Facius