From: Howman, David

Date: 16-04-2008 22:19:59

To: Georg M. Facius

Subject: RE: EAA


Dear Mr. Facius,

Thank you for your note of today’s date. I have forwarded your correspondence to the IAAF and to the Council of Europe as indicated.

Kind regards,

David Howman
Director General


From: Georg M. Facius [mailto:facius@adslhome.dk]
Sent: April 16, 2008 9:48 AM
To: Nezan, Nicole
Subject: EAA


Dear Mr. Howman,


Thank you for your mail.


On 22. February 2008 I forwarded a copy of the letter, with enclosures, to IAAF General Secretary Pierre Weiss. So far there has been no reaction from neither EAA nor IAAF.


I would therefore find it most appropriate if you would now forward it to the IAAF President as well as the Council of Europe.


I can inform you that the Danish Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation, and the Danish Minister for Sport, Brian Mikkelsen, former vicepresident of WADA, have received the material also.


Kind regards,

Georg Facius


EAA Anti-doping Delegate

EAA Area Technical Official

Former member of EAA Anti-doping Working Group



Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:49:29 -0400
From: David.Howman@wada-ama.org
To: facius@adslhome.dk

Dear Mr. Facius,

I am responding on behalf of my President to your letter of 11 April. We certainly appreciate the information that you have forwarded to us, however, the appropriate recipient should really be the IAAF. Do you authorize us to forward your correspondence to the international federation? Another alternative for us in terms of follow up would be to make the information available to the Council of Europe and its Monitoring Group, responsible for the European Convention.

Our respective stakeholders include the international federations for all sports and the national governments for all countries. Below that level, we rely on others to undertake and to assist us in monitoring. I look forward to hearing from you accordingly.

Kind regards,

David Howman

Nicole NEZAN

Executive Assistant , Executive Office

Adjointe exécutive, Bureau de l'exécutif

World Anti-Doping Agency / Agence Mondiale Antidopage

 Tel:             + 1 514 904 8825

Fax :           + 1 514 904 8743

E-mail:        nicole.nezan @ wada-ama.org

Web:           www.wada-ama.org

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