Below are some examples of correspondence with members of the EAA Council.

I believe the contents will speak for itself.

Georg Facius

From: Erika Strasser

Date: 04-02-2007 18:46:30

To: Georg Facius

Subject: antwort






Lieber George,


vielen dank für deine ausführliche information betreffend deine doping aktivitäten.


Du bist so ein edler, gewissenhafter mensch und kannst darum einfach die bemerkungen von janez nicht vergessen.

Manche menschen reden einfach nur, um etwas sagen zu können.

Du hast in allen punkten recht.Warum dieses wichtige thema bis jetzt so oberflächlich behandelt wurde, weiß ich nicht.

Jetzt scheinen sie es aber genauer zu nehmen, wie ich erkennen kann.

Es wird nur immer von „quality“ gepredigt. Dann aber bitte für alle themen gleich.


Bitte ärgere dich nicht! Du tust so viel und hast schon so viel getan. Leider gibt es für niemanden Dank in unseren kreisen.

Persönlich freue ich mich schon, dass ich bald frei bin. Der ganze sport ist sehr dubios geworden und dient nur als mittel zum zweck.


Herzliche grüße an Inge und dich, eure Erika



Thank you very much for your in-depth information concerning your doping activities.

You are such a noble, conscientious person and therefore you cannot forget the remarks made by Janez.
Many people talks only to be able to say something.

You are right on all points. I don not know why this important theme has been treated so superficially so far.
However, as far as I can sense, it looks as if they are now taken it more seriously. There is all the time talk about "quality", but then it should be the same for all issues.

Please do not have any regrets! You do so much, and have done so much. Unfortunately nobody is getting any thanks in our circles.



Janez Aljancic

Date: 07-02-2007 13:59:13

To: 'Georg M. Facius'

Subject: RE: ADWG






Dear Georg,


Thank you for clear overview of inactive EAA Anti-Doping Working group.

Like you said attached material speak for itself.

The fact is that EAA Council to have to react seriously.


Best regards



From:Janez Aljancic

Date: 29-01-2007 15:16:31

To: 'Georg M. Facius'


Subject: RE: EAA Anti-doping Working Group


Dear Facius,


Thank you very much for this information about Anti-doping Working Group and their activities.

I hope in the future feet-back from EAA will be more efficient and correct.

I am sending this information also to Bill Glad.


Best regards













Dear Janez,


In Novi Sad you expressed the view that the Anti-doping Working Group had not achieved anything, or maybe rather that you had not received any information about the work of the group.


Having now updated my overview of the proceedings of the group, I would like to send it to you (and Erika) for your information. Your view is certainly correct concerning the first 2-3 years of the term, and the reason for that can be seen clearly in the overview, however the last two years the situation has changed considerably, as can also be seen.



Best regards,





Georg Facius




From: Erika Strasser

Date: 26-10-2004 14:57:04

To: Georg Facius

Subject: Answer






Dear Georg,


verzeihe, ich wollte Dir schon früher mailen, aber ich war sehr beschäftigt.

Wir haben im Council über die Dopingkommission gesprochen. Clemens sagte, er ist sehr beschäftigt, besonders jetzt, da Deutschland nicht gut abgeschnitten hat bei den OS in Athen.


Er hat sich auch entschuldigt, daß er Dir nicht immer antworten konnte, auf Grund von Zeitmangel.

Darum soll "Till" die Koordination in die Hand nehmen . Ihr sollt so bald als möglich ein Meeting haben.


Mich hat es nur gewundert, daß wir nicht ausführlicher über die Dopingsachen in Athen gesprochen haben. Es wurde nur erwähnt, daß die ganzen Fälle aus Europa waren und wir um unseren Ruf bemüht sein müssen.

Es kamen aber keine Vorschläge wie wir es machen sollen. Das Hauptargument ist immer, daß IAAF für alles zuständig ist. So bin ich neugierig was in Eurer Kommission besprochen wird.

Viele, liebe Grüße auch an Inge, Eure Erika


It has surprised me, that we have not talked in detail about the doping affairs in Athens. It was only mentioned that all the cases were related to Europe, and that we should make an effort concerning our reputation.
However, there were no proposals as to have we should do it. The main argument is always that the IAAF is responsible for everything.
So I am curious about what you will be discussing in your Commission.




From: Erika Strasser

Date: 06-06-2004 19:40:47

To: Georg Facius

Subject: Antwort






Lieber Georg,


vielen Dank für die äußerst interessanten Informationen.

Mein Gefühl ist bestätigt durch Deine Dokumentation, die meisten Dopingkontrollen sind eine mess.


Beim letzten Council-Meeting hatten wir einen Agendapunkt den Brief von Clemens Prokop betreffend. Prokop mußte früher abreisen, aber der Agendapunkt wurde nicht vorgezogen. So wurde der Punkt nur oberflächlich behandelt. Es wurde gesagt, daß ein Meeting der Doping Kommission stattfinden soll.

Meine Wortmeldung war:"Tun wir wirklich genug gegen das Doping"? Alle schauten sehr böse und eine Antwort war:"Alles ist in Ordnung, wir können nicht noch mehr machen"!

Meine Meinung ist, daß Clemens wirklich Verbesserungen will, er hat nur wenig Zeit.


Du hast in allen Punkten recht. Besonders auch die stewards müssen besser instruiert werden.Diese Dinge müssen zusammen mit IAAF gemacht werden. EAA will keine extra Regeln, nur die IAAF Regeln müssen eingehalten werden.

Ich glaube, daß die IAAF Regeln verbessert werden sollen. Du machst immer gute Vorschläge, aber nichts geschieht.

Die Genderfrage ist auch ein wichtiger Punkt.

Natürlich werde ich in der nächsten Comp.C.Sitzung einen Agendapunkt wegen Doping verlangen. Aber wer hilft uns???

Bitte sei nicht traurig, momentan sind sehr viele Dinge auf der Welt schrecklich. Leider ist es für fast alle uninteressant.


Liebe Grüße auch an Inge, herzlich Eure Erika



My statement was "Do we really do enough against doping"? Everybody looked very angry, and one reply was "Everything is OK, we cannot do anymore"!

You are right on all points. Especially the stewards must be instructed better. It must be done together with the IAAF. EAA will not have additional regulations, only the IAAF regulations must be observed.
I believe that the IAAF regulations should be improved. You male good proposals all the time, but nothing happens.
The question of gender is also an important point.
Obviously I will demand a point about doping om the agenda for the next meeting of the Council. But who will help us???




From: Georg M. Facius

Date: 09-05-2007 13:05:33

To: Svein Arne Hansen ;  Antti Pihlakoski;  Toralf Nilsson

Subject: Anti-doping Commission





Dear Nordic friends,


First of all I would like to congratulate you with your election - a splendid result for the EAA, for the nordic federations and for yourselves


I am writing to you because I have noticed that the Anti-doping Working Group will now be changed into a Medical and Anti-doping Commission.


As you know I have been a member of the working group since its start, and I have reported to you about the work by sending you an overview from time to time - an updated overview is attached. As can be seen very clearly from this, it has been extremely difficult to get the work started, the attitude being that this was a matter for the IAAF exclusively, and I have had to apply a great deal of effort and pressure, resulting in, among other things, that the chairman of the group, Prokop was removed from the position with Wirz taking over as interim chairman, and that the work, however reluctantly, was started. This has required a great deal of tenacity and commitment on my part, as can be seen from the overview, and obviously this has not been popular with all parties involved.


However, I would like to continue to work with this, having come this far, and I therefore hope that you will support me when the new commission is going to be selected.


Kind regards,

Georg Facius





Georg Facius









From: Antti Pihlakoski

Date: 09-05-2007 15:23:03


Subject: VL: Anti-doping Commission






Dear Georg


Thank you for your e-mail and especially for your work in Athletics. Anti-doping is a crucial issue and therefore there must be the best and the toughest experts in the field. You are such a person and therefore you can count on my support.


Best regards,






From: Janez Aljancic

Date: 09-05-2007 17:12:07

To: 'Georg M. Facius'

Subject: RE: Anti-doping Commission




Dear Georg


Thank you for your congratulation and thank you for information about Medical and Anti-doping Commission.

I’am with you and you will have my support.


Kind regards

Janez Aljancic



From: olijare

Date: 09-05-2007 18:56:01


Subject: Re: Anti-doping Commission





Dear Georg,

I do not have anything against your candidature to become a member of Medical group.

You is one of the very active persons, who really spend long time in athletics. I will support your candidature.






From: Toralf Nilsson

Date: 10-05-2007 20:52:33

To: 'Georg M. Facius'

Cc: 'Svein Arne Hansen' ;  'Antti Pihlakoski'

Subject: SV: Anti-doping Commission




Dear Georg,

Thank you for your congratulations.

I am aware that the scope of the working group will be expanded, but I assume that anti-doping issues will remain in focus in the new commission. The commissions and working groups will be appointed at the Council Meeting in Frankfurt on 11 June. We have so far not received any proposal from Hansjörg, --------. However, it is good to know that you would like to continue and will for sure support your name when we come to the meeting. I know that the working group was your proposal from the beginning and how much you struggled with Clemens until you get a first meeting.

Kind regards



Bulgarian Athletic Federation

Date: 14-05-2007 11:27:25

To: Georg M. Facius

Subject: Re: Anti-doping Commission




Dear Georg,

Dear Friend,

  It made me very happy to receive your congratulations - thank you so much.

  You know I've been acquainted for many years with your vigorous activity in the structures of European Athletics and I highly appreciate your work and your responsible attitude towards the fight against doping in sport. You can count on my absolute support when the new Anti-doping Commission is to be appointed.

  Friendly greetings,





From: Toralf Nilsson

Date: 06/13/07 20:52:58

To: 'Georg M. Facius'

Cc: ;  'Antti Pihlakoski'

Subject: Composition of the European Athletics Medical & Anti Doping Commission


Dear Georg,

I just would like to inform you that the composition of the Medical & Anti Doping Commission could not be decided at the Council Meeting since Hansjörg is still waiting for the draft of the terms of reference from Pedro, who is the foreseen chairman. This document will have an impact on which competences that are needed.

As far as I understand this means that a decision can not be taken until the next Council Meeting at Malta on 14-15 October.

Kind regards



From: Georg M. Facius

Date: 14-06-2007 14:41:05

To: Toralf Nilsson

Cc: ;  'Antti Pihlakoski'

Subject: Re: Composition of the European Athletics Medical & Anti Doping Commission


Dear Toralf,


Thank you for your information.


Unfortunately it shows that the reluctant attitude continues, a lot of talk but very little real action. I do think that the explanation is very far fetched, the working group has been in existence for some time with a good mix of relevant competences, and has achieved a number of important and progressive results, and even if they do not want to use the same persons - or some of them - there is all the necessary experience and knowledge about what is needed.


This means that the Working Group/Commission has not been active/will not be in existence from 30 June 2006 (the last meting) to some time after mid October 2007 (probably not before some time in 2008). Measured by any standard this is highly unsatisfactory, and completely out of tune with the often proclaimed intentions to do the utmost to fight doping.


Kind regards,


